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CAD Integration

Use existing drawings (CAD schematics) of a building, such as AutoCAD drawings, to automatically create spaces and sections, providing facility planners with easy access to essential drawings and building information.

Review Schematics

Attach DWG and DWF files to spaces and floors and review floor plans directly from within a space in Axxerion. Such fils with be converted to PDF format automatically.

Automatic Space Generation and Updating

Use a DWG schematic to automatically generate spaces by simply attaching a hyperlink to the polyline of the space. DWG schematics can be reimported after you have made changes to them.

Surface Calculations

The floor area of a space is calculated using the schematic. If a polyline contains a second polyline with the same reference, both the total floor area and lettable floor space will be calculated.

Floor Plans

Create interactive floor plans without needing to use CAD software. CAD schematics can be assigned colors based on use, occupancy rate, and other user defined criteria.

Leasable Space & NEN-2580

Spaces and sections created using existing CAD schematics also display information such as gross floor area, net floor area, and lettable floor space. Rent calculations can be made according to the NEN-2580 code, for general spaces, traffic areas, etc.

Object Hyperlinks

Access objects in Axxerion directly via hyperlinks within schematics. This function can be used to review information about the supplier or about the number of work orders still open.


  • DWG is AutoCAD’s default format. Architects, designers and AutoCAD users can generate a web-ready version of drawings called DWF. DWF can be saved in ASCII or binary formats. Axxerion can read and process the ASCII DWF format.
  • SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) is a global standard for displaying graphics.  It is supported by a number of companies such as Google. Google has a free editor for SVG called Inkscape. Axxerion supports SVG and also helps you convert your DWG files to SVG. Axxerion can display SVG drawings on any browser without loading any add-ins. Axxerion can also display SVG drawings in its mobile apps.
  • BIM models are becoming more and more common in construction projects.  Owners are provided BIM models which may include a lot of information about their buildings and assets.  Axxerion can store the BIM models and also extract the asset information and import it into the system. (Building Information Modeling) models are becoming more and more common in construction projects.  Owners are provided BIM models which may include a lot of information about their buildings and assets.  Axxerion can store the BIM models and also extract the asset information and import it into the system.



As your organization evolves, Axxerion evolves with you

Highly Configurable Pages & Workflows:

Fully control what you see on every page. Add, remove, rename and reposition fields, buttons, media, and reports. Design workflows from templates or from scratch to achieve any possible business goal.

Group Based Access Rights:

Role-based dashboards to accommodate different types of users. Fully configurable and dynamic access rights to every aspect of the software based on job title, region, department, or user defined groups.

Global Search and Intelligent Linking:

Organize and interlink your people, properties, equipment, contracts, job information and much more. Easily search across the database to instantly find up to the minute information on everything that you are tracking.

Robust Reporting:

Create custom reports that can filter against innumerable variables to put exactly the answers you need at your fingertips. Automatically email report output graphs and lists to the people that need the information at the times that they will need it to make business decisions without having to ask.