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If you have ever used the Global Positioning System (GPS) on your smartphone, then you already have an idea of what a Geographic Information Systems (GIS) is at a basic level. GIS is part of a larger technology that helps its users to determine their location. And it goes well beyond that. Today, GIS technology is a central part of daily living and activities in the world around us.

What can GIS do for you?

Virtually every industry uses GIS today. From professionals in the construction industry to government bodies, then logistics and food delivery businesses, it has become a powerful tool for capturing, storing, and analyzing all kinds of geographical data. GIS technology enables its users to get their orientation in relation to resources, assets, activities, or features arranged across the world.

However, in the industrial/manufacturing industries, GIS is proving to be particularly valuable for the maintenance unit and indeed other operational departments because of its ability to track assets with unparalleled accuracy.

What about CMMS?

As its name implies, a computerized maintenance management system (CMMS) is a software that manages all the information relating to an organization’s assets and maintenance operations with the direct aim of creating an efficient and well-executed maintenance program.

Utilizing a CMMS gives building managers the best tool for planning and scheduling preventive maintenance for all physical assets, for inventory management, improving safety performance, and so much more.

Can CMMS and GIS work together?

Definitely. Both systems complement each other. If you are looking to improve the ROI on your maintenance efforts, using a CMMS with GIS integration is a natural progression that can significantly enhance the capabilities of your maintenance team and give you the best results.

Leveraging both of these technologies gives you an integrated platform that offers great potential for any organization looking to improve its maintenance operations in the following ways:

  • Real-time view of all assets owned (including underground assets).
  • Locate geographically disperse assets and work orders without any lapses.
  • Enable users to input the required asset data and get the same information instantly in both the CMMS and GIS.
  • Get mapped visualizations of the precise location of assets and replicate the same information on work orders when needed.
  • Access to information that safeguards valuable assets, and saves time and money as well.
  • A holistic picture of your asset landscape.
  • Swift respond to crisis based on the GIS information received (e.g. in the mining industry).

All the above is in addition to the many benefits of the CMMS itself such as :

  • Work order status whether open, in-progress or closed even from mobile devices.
  • Spare parts and inventory information.
  • Preventive maintenance planning.
  • Vendor management.
  • Safety information for each task plus schematics, instructions, and manuals.
  • A centralized database application that automates every step of the maintenance process.

Now more than ever before, maintenance with the ability to pinpoint where your assets are located at any time has become a necessity. Especially for larger and more complex companies with expensive but movable assets running into hundreds of thousands of items across several locations.

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Let’s help you get started with a combined platform that promises enormous benefits based on the existing but untapped information about your assets, workforce, work orders, and inventory.

Would you like to learn more about how Axxerion can help you to get the most out of GIS technology? Don’t hesitate to reach us and request a demo today.

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