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Manufacturing in the U.S. and globally continues to evolve in order to remain relevant given the rapid changes that are happening on many levels. In particular, manufacturers are leveraging trends in technology to understand and serve their customers better.

Part of that improved service depends on the ability of manufacturers today to recognize and deploy different kinds of robust manufacturing management software to improve critical processes like safety, quality control, productivity, and maintenance.

Of major interest are two tech solutions that play important roles during the production cycle: Manufacturing Management System (MMS) and Computerized Maintenance Management Systems (CMMS). Below, we’ll be discussing the basics of both of them and what they can do for your production facility.

What does a Manufacturing Management System (MMS) do?

An MMS supports manufacturers during the entire range of their production cycle. It is especially suited for managing repetitive manufacturing processes. It provides optimal functionality for managing activities around material requirements planning, production scheduling, and production reporting.

The objective of this system is to manage both in-house and outsourced manufacturing processes and deliver superior services to customers.

Manufacturing management systems are designed with the flexibility to fit different manufacturing niches and environments. Other benefits this system offers include controlling costs associated with manufacturing and inventory, streamlined production reporting, financial management, and thorough quality control processing.

In addition, a major advantage of MMS is that the best ones are generally easy to integrate with other enterprise software. That takes us to the next point – CMMS.

What about a Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS)?

A best-in-class CMMS is a complete, fully-integrated software solution that is intended to collate and analyze maintenance-related information. It is the most versatile and robust software available today for simplifying and streamlining maintenance management.

It offers its users a wide range of features, no matter the industry, that will give them valuable insights about every part of their facility including all the mechanical and electrical systems.

Thus, CMMS positions you to make informed and proactive decisions about your facility. This kind of advantage has been proven time and again to improve maintenance costs and boost safety performance. Specifically, some of the features you can expect from a CMMS include:

  • Preventive Maintenance Planning (PM)
  • Work Order Management (WO)
  • Asset Management
  • Cloud-based Support
  • Condition-based and Predictive Maintenance Capabilities
  • Mobile-enabled Capabilities

And, with the prevalence of cloud-based CMMS, deployment, and implementation has become easier than ever.

CMMS and MMS: Making A Connection

A CMMS and MMS be used together usually as part of an organization-wide ERP solution. Integrating both systems this way allows you to harness the powerful abilities of both platforms and it positions your manufacturing plant in the best position to avoid crippling equipment failures, safety issues, and missed production deadlines.

Free Demo

There are so many solutions out there for manufacturers. If you are currently considering a suite of software solutions to improve your manufacturing operations, it’s advisable that you choose software that will give you the best returns for every dollar spent.

Axxerion’s CMMS offers you a cloud-based, easy to deploy and fully customizable solution that can undoubtedly save you significant revenue by optimizing your asset maintenance. We would like to hear from you right away. Contact us and request a demo today. Let’s help you improve your competitive advantage.

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