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Describing construction managers or construction project managers as busy people would be a gross understatement. According to the Construction Management Association of America, a construction project manager could have up to 120 responsibilities on a single project.

This means that to succeed on a construction project, the PM or manager must be attentive to all numerous responsibilities and eliminate mistakes or oversights from day one.

Added to the above, there are some unique characteristics of the construction industry that may prove challenging for the average construction manager.

Important Considerations For Construction Managers

The construction industry is known for its heavy equipment – from cranes to excavators, then graders and bulldozers, some of these equipment can measure about the size of a house!

In addition, construction equipment are usually extremely expensive. So expensive in fact that it’s not uncommon to find that the bulk of a construction company’s value is tied to its equipment alone. As expected, keeping these machines in prime running condition is a priority for successful construction projects.

Another common issue with construction projects is safety. On a construction site, you’ll find some staff working at heights while others are rushing around the site surrounded by all kinds of heavy-duty and complex machines. This creates a hazardous work environment that must be managed carefully. Unfortunately, several reports and figures from establishments like OSHA have associated the construction industry year after year with a dismal safety performance.

So, we have identified that equipment maintenance and safety are critical considerations for a construction manager, the good news is that they can utilize technology to automate significant parts of safety, maintenance, and even more using software, especially a computerized maintenance management system (CMMS).

By using a CMMS, construction managers can utilize several of its features to schedule and plan servicing, control equipment maintenance costs, and prevent safety incidents all on the same platform.

Applying CMMS In Construction Projects

Due to the busy nature of construction projects, gaining visibility over all your operations and workflow is vital. Especially when you’re coordinating activities across different locations.

To efficiently manage all that, maintenance management software will help you in the following ways:

Project Management

Simplify your project management duties by creating a hierarchy of tasks with details of the expected start time, duration, and allocated resources. Easily define dependencies between various tasks and make adjustments as required.

Minimize Equipment Downtime

Equipment downtime can potentially cause several problems on construction projects including delays, excessive overtime payments, budget overruns, and it can increase the risk of rushed or substandard work. With a CMMS, just plan equipment maintenance well in advance and reduce your exposure to unexpected equipment breakdowns. The software also comes with several mobile-enabled features to help you track all maintenance tasks and requests from the construction site or from remote locations.

Safety Management

Reduce the risk of injuries by using CMMS to create safety checklists, carry out safety inspections, and generally maximize the safety of your assets.

Well-maintained and frequently monitored assets mean fewer breakdowns, emergencies, and risks of injuries.

Asset Tracking (GIS)

If you are managing very large construction sites or multiple locations, it’s important to know where your equipment is working out on the field.

A CMMS with Geographic Information System (GIS) integration takes the guesswork and misinformation out of asset tracking. You can pinpoint the location of your assets and update their status from the field.

Free Demo

With our cloud-based CMMS software, there are so many other features that you will find invaluable for your construction site. You can manage several vendors, issue and track work orders, monitor your costs, and much more.

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