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A computerized maintenance management software solution (CMMS) can make a world of a difference when it comes to a business’ facilities operations. Using a CMMS can result in more efficient, cost-effective and transparent operations that lead to better business outcomes.

In fact, research shows that the use of a CMMS can reduce maintenance expenses by 19%, extend the lifespan of assets by 35%, and increase overall maintenance efficiency by almost 30%.

The Need for CMMS Integration Capabilities

Despite all of the benefits a CMMS offers on its own, a CMMS is not being fully maximized unless it is integrated with the other existing software and technological platforms within an organization.

This is because an organization’s facilities operations  do not operate within a vacuum, but rather they intersect with the processes of HR, accounting, marketing, sales, IT and other departments. When a CMMS is able to communicate and leverage information from other web services and technologies, it can enhance cross-team collaboration, decrease response times, reduce error, eliminate manual data-entry, and unlock powerful analytical capabilities.

CMMS Integration Benefits

Streamlining different departmental information and actions via CMMS integration capabilities takes maintenance operations to the next level and allows for a wide realm of possibility in terms of the different ways to maximize the facility management software experience. Here are some specific reasons why it is crucial for a CMMS to offer flexible and powerful integrations with other software and technology systems:

Manual Processes are Automated

CMMS integrations can be a major-time savor because they reduce the need for tedious manual data entry into multiple systems. Instead, integrations automate the processes so that all systems are communicating with each other and storing relevant information as needed.

For example, if an HR department updates new facilities employees into their Workday system, instead of then having to manually update this employee information into the CMMS and grant workers user access to the system individually, an integration between the CMMS and Workday makes it so that employee data is automatically imported into the CMMS and users are automatically granted system access. It reduces any extra time and hassle for managers when different types of systems are communicating with each other in an automated and streamlined manner.

Collaboration is Enhanced

Being able to connect a CMMS to other systems allows for better collaboration and more streamlined cross-department workflows. This is because the success of maintenance operations is often dependent on information and action from other departments. CMMS integrations allow for all teams to be on the same page, and thus it becomes easier to manage work from start to finish without any hold-ups or inefficient detours.

For example, in the case of working with an outside vendor for a maintenance work order, an CMMS-SMS integration simplifies communication between CMMS users and the third-party technicians while the service is being completed. Further, financial integrations with a CMMS ensure that invoices are generated and completed right after the work is finished. This way, an organization’s facilities, finance and service procurement departments are all easily able to work together to make sure the service is done efficiently and effectively.

Decisions are Data-Based

CMMS integrations with other platforms result in improved decision-making. This is because data is retrieved from all departments and pooled together in one analytical system. As a result, facility managers and executives benefit from advanced reporting and improved data visualization.

This centralization of data management and the resulting informed decision-making process ultimately leads to increased efficiency throughout the entire organization and major reductions in business intelligence costs.

Asset Performance is Improved

CMMS integrations allow a maintenance management software to do its job in an even more effective manner. As a result, an organization’s major assets are being perfectly maintained and experiencing optimal functioning. What types of integrations lead to this?

One example is CMMS integration with IoT technology. IoT sensor can monitor specific assets and trigger service requests within the CMMS if it recognizes that the equipment is malfunctioning or needs upkeep. This prevents equipment from experiencing major downtime and extends asset lifespan as well.

Axxerion CMMS Integrations: Powerful and Flexible

Axxerion’s CMMS integration capabilities allow you to connect to hundreds of different software and technology platforms. Organizations can easily connect our CMMS with any other existing software system and/or technological equipment so that data can be shared seamlessly and work can be triggered across systems. This leads to better business and organizational outcomes across all departments.

Axxerion’s property, space and maintenance software solutions integrate with hundreds of other systems, including:

Oracle AvidXchange PDI
SAP Microsoft Office XOi
QuickBooks Google Suite Power BI
Sage DocuSign Qlik Sense
AvaTax Hubspot Dynamics GIS Twilio CAD

The system also offers seamless transitions from:

    • Accruent
    • Yardi
    • Tririga
    • Maximo
    • Trimble
    • And more!

Free Demo

Want to learn more about how Axxerion’s CMMS can connect to your organization’s existing software and technologies? Book a free, live demo today!

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