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Fleet Maintenance Manager

Fleet Management System – Everything You Need To Know

By Fleet ManagementNo Comments

Many companies have vehicles for supporting their operations whether in CMMS or otherwise. In some cases some or all vehicles are an essential part of the business such as for service providers. Managing the vehicles manually is time consuming and error prone. Why Do You Need A Fleet Management System Therefore, it is important to deploy a system to handle the different facets of fleet management as described below. Vehicle acquisition and disposition – purchasing or leasing vehicles and also selling and/or returning vehicles is important to be tracked and reported. The system needs to carry the dates, parties involved…

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Professional Handshake

Integration of Contract Lifecycle Management and Electronic Signatures

By Contract Lifecycle ManagementNo Comments

As the electronic signature solutions become more popular, there are questions regarding their integrity as stand-alone applications.  If the e-signature process is not integrated with the contract management process, what is the guarantee that someone has not intercepted an email and simply e-signed the document without the knowledge of the real signatory? Integrate Electronic Signatures into CLM In a well-integrated process, the integrity concerns are significantly diminished. As Axxerion has demonstrated with its integration with DocuSign, the contract management workflow guarantees that the approval process has been in place and documented before a document becomes available for e-signature. For example,…

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Man with Hardhat on work site Shutterstock

CMMS Software Requirements

By Maintenance ManagementNo Comments

If you are looking to start from scratch or considering changing your existing CMMS Software, there are four fundamental steps to take before starting your search. 1. Identify critical maintenance problems and define goals The future success of your CMMS Software indeed depends on your ability to acknowledge and recognize the most vital operational challenges and determine how success looks like. The reason behind this cliché statement is the comprehensive nature of CMMS Software, which can sidetrack you from the primary challenges. Here, at Axxerion, we recommend prioritizing the problems by their impact on your operations. Pick top 2 to…

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Electrician fixing ac unit

Using GPS With A CMMS

By IWMS, Maintenance Management, Property ManagementNo Comments

With the availability of GPS (Global Positioning System), companies can now have better information and therefore control on where their resources are and review the history of activities together with their associated GPS. One method of setting up GPS integration, as implemented in Axxerion, is to record a GPS coordinate with any action taken by a technician.  For example, when a technician clicks start work on the CMMS work order, the system records the action as well as the GPS of person’s position at the time. Another approach, as also implemented in Axxerion, is to assign bar code or QR…

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Business Meeting Signing a Contract

Computerized Property Management for Owners and Operators

By Property ManagementNo Comments

As a property owner and operator, you want to have a good handle on critical areas such as: Profit and loss for each property and the whole portfolio Occupancy and leases Proper reporting to your investors as applicable A lot of property managers deploy different point solutions to computerize the different aspect of their operations with a number of different programs. This includes stand-alone space management, lease management, financials and accounting as well as project management.  There are also a lot of Excel files floating around for different purposes. While this approach helps in each of the automated area, these islands…

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Business Meeting

Setting Up and Using Online Floor Plans (SVG and AutoCAD)

By Maintenance Management, Property ManagementNo Comments

As a property manager/space planner you have perhaps experienced the need and importance of online floor plans for your day-to-day work. This capability has been available in some Integrated Workplace Management Systems (IWMS). However, there are issues with the traditional process of publishing drawings online in such systems. Overall, three groups of users would benefit from accessing the floor plans online. For property managers/space planners For employees For facility managers and service providers Every building starts with a set of drawings which are approved for construction by the planning organizations. When a construction is completed the final drawings are provides…

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3 employees reviewing blueprints on work site Color

Why Procedural Preventive Maintenance (PPM) Is Important

By Maintenance ManagementNo Comments

Let’s explain this through a couple of examples. First let’s imagine that we have a rooftop chiller which needs to be maintained on a yearly basis. It will also need an overhaul every 3 years and needs to be replaced in 20 years. For the yearly maintenance a company might want to establish a rigorous maintenance program where all the steps are planned and processes are defined for such maintenance . We call this “procedural” preventive maintenance. In the case of major overhaul and replacement, the company may depend on the expertise of an outside contractor to analyze, propose and…

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Business Contract

Managing Consultant Contracts – How to get a handle on it!

By Contract Lifecycle ManagementNo Comments

Many companies use consultants for a variety of projects and tasks.  Consultants may be teams from the larger consulting companies all the way to individuals working as single-person consultants. The consulting work may be done on the premises or off site at the consultants offices or a combination of the two approaches.  While consultants play vital roles for many companies, traditionally they do pose their own set of unique issues and challenges for the finance, legal and human resources departments as explained below.  Taking advantage of some of the new contract lifecycle management technologies would help alleviate many of these…

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business meeting/brainstorming

CMMS Flexibility in Service Requests Management

By Maintenance ManagementNo Comments

Many companies still operate without a Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS) and rely on emails for handling the service requests. When such a company  deploys a CMMS, it is usually a big change for the users who need to abandon their email-based service requests and learn how to log on to a new system for submitting their service requests. Axxerion has an Integrated Workplace Management System (IWMS/CAFM) with extensive Maintenance Management capabilities. One area that I would like to highlight is the flexibility in handling service requests by accommodating different user approaches in submitting service requests and helping them start…

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nearsighted classroom environment

Facilities Management Acronyms

By Property ManagementNo Comments

People and organizations working within different aspects of the Facilities Management industry, as well as developers of Facilities Management software,  need to deal with many acronyms on a daily basis. As an integrated software for facilities management in multiple markets, the Axxerion team has dealt with its fair share of these acronyms. If you’re looking for a quick brush-up on your maintenance management lingo, below is a list of facilities management acronyms in the US market: MMS (Maintenance Management System) CMMS (Computerized maintenance management system) MRO (Maintenance, Repairs & Operations) CLM (contract lifecycle management) PM (Project Manager) PM (also Preventive…

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