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People and organizations working within different aspects of the Facilities Management industry, as well as developers of Facilities Management software,  need to deal with many acronyms on a daily basis. As an integrated software for facilities management in multiple markets, the Axxerion team has dealt with its fair share of these acronyms. If you’re looking for a quick brush-up on your maintenance management lingo, below is a list of facilities management acronyms in the US market:

MMS (Maintenance Management System)

CMMS (Computerized maintenance management system)

MRO (Maintenance, Repairs & Operations)

CLM (contract lifecycle management)

PM (Project Manager)

PM (also Preventive Maintenance)

PPM (Project portfolio management)

IWMS (Integrated workplace management system)

CFM – Computerized facilities management

CAFM – Computer Aided Facilities Management

BIM – Building Information Management or Building In Motion (for 3D modeling)

CAD – Computer Aided Design

DWG and DWF – CAD drawing file formats for regular and web-based files

EAM – Enterprise Asset Management system

IFMS – Integrated Facilities Management System

FMIS – Facilities Management Information System

ERP – Enterperise Resource Planning

CMS – Content Management System

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About the author

Mehdi Khalvati, Ph.D. is the president of Axxerion USA. Axxerion’s CMMS module  addresses corrective, preventive and predicative maintenance as well as asset management.  Please send your feedback, thoughts and comments to

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