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When it comes to data management software, it’s easy to get CMMS (Computerized Maintenance Management System) and CAFM (Computer-Aided Facility Management) confused with one another. It’s a fairly common mistake, but if you are someone in need of either for a business, you should know the differences. That is what we will be exploring in this article, so that you are better informed and can make educated decisions moving forward.

What is a CMMS?

As mentioned before, a CMMS stands for “Computerized Maintenance Management System”. CMMS is used for what it stands for – management and maintenance. It is a single platform and has a database for users to organize inventory, employee schedules, and other things that would make management easier.

What is a CAFM?

Now that we have given the brief description of what a CMMS is, now it’s time to learn the overall system. Which is a CAFM. This stands for “Computer-Aided Facility Management”. A CAFM supports both automated facility and real estate management. CAFM operates on multiple platforms. It helps facility managers plan and track how their system is being used.

Now that we know what both are, let’s go over what both can be used for to better understand the differences between the two, as well as why they go hand in hand.

What does CAFM Do?

You would install a CAFM software in order to perform analytics to identify trends and patterns. This is so facilities managers can make decisions to help their businesses. With CAFM, you can keep track of facility repairs. You can view the conditions of assets, work history, warranties, and more. You can also contain contractors for the materials that need maintenance. Invoices can also be kept in a digital form, for a neater database.

What Does CMMS Do?

When you have CMMS implemented, there are a plethora of opportunities. Because CMMS can work for any business that you are in, it’s ideal for providing visibility, making data more accessible, maintaining compliance, and managing contractors. Imagine being able to do all of this with the help of a piece of software, instead of need to manually perform all of these tasks.

Even though both CMMS and CAFM have their own individual functions, both are best when integrated. With the use of both, you can save time and money when both are extremely valuable to your business. Whether you run a massive corporation or a retail business, you can see a real difference when you use a CAFM with CMMS capabilities.

Free Demo

If you are unsure of how CAFM and CMMS software works, that’s perfectly okay. That is why we have provided a free demo for you to use. By visiting, you can take a look at our free demo to see how CAFM and CMMS can help transform your business. It is a smart decision to do whatever you can to improve the revenue of your company and you will be able to see how our business can help yours.

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