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Back in the early days of the Internet of Things (IoT), probably nobody knew that getting objects to communicate through the internet would grow to the point to which it has today. Connected devices have become so ubiquitous that we can hardly imagine living without them anymore.

But, although consumer IoT usage still accounts for the majority of IoT devices out there, the industrial sector is quickly catching up as well leading to the emergence of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). IoT, in whatever form, is radically transforming the way organizations do business in every business and operational process – from HR and payroll to accounting and security.

As expected, maintenance management is not left out as more companies are discovering the almost limitless possibilities that integrating IoT with CMMS software can offer.

IoT and the industry today

Although some industries are adopting IoT faster than others, it is rare to find any sector that has not felt the transformative power of IoT. For industrial manufacturing applications, IoT is primarily about connecting machines to one another so that they can communicate and optimize their given assignment at that time with minimal human intervention.

In summary, machines are fitted with sensors that extract data and then communicate with other machines to achieve some common objective including optimized production and maintenance, thus giving rise to terminologies like  “smart factories” and “industry 4.0.”

However, in all these innovations, maintenance software remains highly relevant. In fact, in an IoT setting, a modern maintenance management software is the linchpin that brings all the data together and enables industrial IoT users owners to understand what’s going on.

CMMS capabilities when integrated with IoT

Certainly, CMMS combined with IoT is a game-changer in any organization. However, to succeed and gain the expected returns from this investment, it is fundamental to collect accurate and relevant machine data, then know what to do with that information. This will make the difference between success and failure. Once the system is set up correctly, you will gradually begin to see the transformation in your maintenance performance.

Below are a few ways that we are seeing IoT collaboration with CMMS and why you should consider adopting an IoT-enabled maintenance program:

Smart asset maintenance

Easily scan QR codes and RFID codes on assets using a mobile device (iOS or Android), and store the information in real-time to your CMMS database. Then, later retrieve the desired information previously collected as needed on the go. This eliminates the need for time-consuming and error-prone manual data entry and speeds up productivity.

Analytics-based maintenance

Modern industries are steadily moving away from traditional calendar-based preventive maintenance programs. The major downside of conventional maintenance is the fact that they are based on routine inspections and scheduled repairs/replacements. Over time, it has become evident that some of these “inspections” tend to cause more problems. For instance, you might find that a piece of equipment without any issues would begin to malfunction just after an inspection!

This issue was foundational to the subsequent development and improvement of condition-based maintenance techniques to date.

These days, with IoT technology, sensors are fitted on machines for non-invasive continual monitoring and extraction of data. The sensors measure specific parameters like vibration, heat, noise and report any anomalies. Your team then receives alerts directly via CMMS only when their intervention is required.

Improved Spare Parts Management

CMMS and IoT also empower you to track how your inventory and physical assets are used. You can easily optimize stock and reorder levels while avoiding the problems of stockout on vital spare parts.

Free Demo

The advantages of using a CMMS with IoT capabilities are numerous but most importantly, it helps to increase productivity, eliminate unnecessary maintenance, and avoid emergency repairs.

For more information on how these two systems can improve your maintenance, contact us today and request a demo as we have solutions for companies of all sizes and industries.

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