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Globally, manufacturing touches every area of modern daily living This industry is so busy yet often plagued by production issues and challenges in their day-to-day operations.

The kind of equipment required to run a typical manufacturing plant today is capital-intensive. That’s beside labor, raw materials, and other costs so the average manufacturer wants to use every machine at peak capacity for as long as possible.

However, these machines often fail. And when this happens, the results can range from missed production deadlines, wasted materials, lost sales revenue, and in many cases, unplanned overtime for hundreds of workers or more! According to research by Aberdeen, unplanned equipment downtime costs an average cost of $260,000 per hour. That’s a staggering amount of lost revenue.

It’s therefore obvious that avoiding machine failures is a priority for every manufacturer.

Equipment failure could be caused by different factors such as aging or human error but one of the most common reasons remains inadequate or poor maintenance. Overcoming this problem starts with replacing reactive maintenance with proactive maintenance better yet, supported by the use of CMMS software. This gives manufacturing plants the best platform to minimize unplanned shutdown and the unpleasant ripple effects on production targets and company bottom line.

An important tool that can help you coordinate all these processes is a computerized maintenance management system (CMMS).

What Can A CMMS Do For Your Plant?

Because CMMS software is purposely designed to optimize maintenance tasks, it’s the ideal tool for automating virtually every aspect of maintenance management no matter the niche of your manufacturing business. Here are just a few ways that it helps you to make that happen:

Better Document Management

Trying to manage maintenance-related documentation manually in a busy plant will likely become very challenging, cumbersome, and time-consuming. It leaves plenty of room for errors and inconsistencies. CMMS comes with several features such as work order and reporting that will help you collate and review your entire maintenance operations in concise and user-friendly dashboards.

It saves time and frees maintenance technicians up to focus on more pressing tasks than routine paperwork.

Maintenance On-the-go

Mobile CMMS is compatible with iOS and Android devices and it allows the maintenance unit to share and update information with all team members seamlessly. Therefore, it becomes easy to keep track of assigned tasks, to pass vital information is a matter of seconds, and it shortens work processing time. Another important benefit of mobile CMMS is that it can serve as a fast communication channel in emergencies.

Real-time Monitoring of Mission-Critical Assets

The best CMMS available today can be integrated with an IoT platform that allows you to get immediate information about the running condition of your most important machinery. Through the use of specially designed condition-monitoring sensors, the maintenance team can get instant notifications when there is an anomaly in the behavior of a piece of equipment.

This is an invaluable feature for any manufacturer that is committed to minimizing machine failure.

There is still so much more that Axxerion’s feature-rich and easily customizable maintenance software can do for your manufacturing business no matter the size of your operations.

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