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Axxerion’s property management software offers a complete, cloud-based solution for owners and operators of commercial real estate. With automated workflows, real-time analytics, and built-in accounting, our software-as-a-service integrates the operational, maintenance and financial procedures of commercial real estate businesses all within a one-stop-shop platform.

Read below to learn more about our each of our offerings:

Property & Lease Management

Axxerion’s Lease Management software supports commercial real estate operations with easy-to-use contract lifecycle services – including lease generation, abstraction, organization, renewals, critical date reminders and more. Our key offerings include:

Portfolio Organization and Search

Manage all details and aspects of your commercial property portfolio, including information about: properties, buildings, spaces, assets, regions, funds, tenants, suppliers, leases, insurance and more. Axxerion’s powerful universal search functions allow for quick retrieval of information based on a wide range of criteria.

Lease Creation and Execution

In Axxerion, lease quotation and document generation are made simple. Send out online rental applications to prospective tenants. Review and generate leases based on customized templates, add your own personalized branding, and Axxerion will insert lease terms and finances in the correct spots. Send out the lease for e-signature with DocuSign, allowing for instant online lease execution.

Lease Organization and Tracking

Store and retrieve key lease documents in a central repository, and access or revise them at any time. Set up and track lease dates such as lease sign date, lease start date, lease expiration date and lease termination date. Easily create date reminders for renewals, escalations, and payments in order to effectively track leases and their status.

Lease Renewals and Extensions

Axxerion makes the lease renewal process easy for owners and tenants alike. Create lease renewal/extension agreements and send to existing tenants to sign at any time. Ensure deadline compliance with features such as tracking key dates, sending out advanced notifications and more.

Lease Abstractions

Extract key data from existing leases and store them in Axxerion’s central repository. Axxerion has partners who can abstract your existing leases into the system based on very reasonable prices and schedules.

This allows for key points in extensive leases to be quickly reviewed and data points to be extracted from leases and structured into calendars, tables, maps or dashboards. Each extracted data point from a lease is linked back to source information, providing a thorough audit trail.

Lease Capitalization

With the new lease laws such as ASC 842 (FASB) and IFRS, it may be required to capitalize the leases and amortize the rent amount over the life of the lease.  Axxerion has automated this process so that with a few clicks you will be able to capitalize one or more leases and generate capitalization tables.

Rent Roll

Forget the manual labor of looking up each tenant’s lease and rent payment status in order to get the pulse of your commercial real estate business operations. Axxerion extracts data from the system and generates an easy-to-read rent roll document that provides the current state of the tenant base and income for each property and across the entire portfolio. This helps owners and managers assess which tenants have paid as well as which tenants have expiring leases coming up – and then follow up accordingly.

Rent Increases

Set up and track the schedule for rent increases based on the terms of each lease. When it’s time, easily incorporate the rent increase directly into the lease and tenant management workflows. Send notices and reminders to tenants directly through the system.

Occupancy Reports and Projections

Manage occupancy and vacancies with instant reports on who occupies what space and which areas are vacant. With a single click, view the history of a lease and its related spaces and occupancy. You can also get an instant view of your projections.

Tenant Management

Axxerion’s tenant management capabilities cover all stages of the tenant process – from vacancy advertising and lease pipelines, to tenant portals and online rent payments. Learn more:

Lease Pipeline and Prospect Communication

Manage your entire lease pipeline within Axxerion. Track prospective tenants contact information and interactions. Communicate with prospects directly through the system by sending them customized flyers and emails.

Keep tab on metrics such as how much square footage is in each stage of your deal pipeline and whether your pipeline is balanced or has too many low-probability deals. These types of metrics can help your business identify bottlenecks and keep your sales funnel full.

Vacancy Advertising and Tenant Applications

Axxerion takes the tedious manual labor out of the process of advertising vacancies. Our system saves you time by integrating with sites for the listing of available units. Assess potential tenants quickly by linking the Axxerion platform to background check services to ensure a secure move-in process with low-risk tenants.

Tenant Portal

Axxerion’s user-friendly tenant portal is available 24/7 and accessible on all mobile devices. Through the portal, prospects can submit applications and tenants can review and sign leases, make rent payments and pay fees, submit maintenance and service requests, request a change/move, reserve amenities, and easily communicate with property management and staff.

Tenant portals can be embedded directly into client websites for convenient access and customized to match company branding and aesthetic.

Tenant Communication

Tenant communication can be executed directly within the Axxerion platform. Send out emails or SMS texts to specific tenants whenever you need to, from any location– through the Axxerion app or via web browser. Blast messaging to all tenants at once for matters such as payment reminders and other important notifications. Customize and schedule messaging as needed.

Tenant Insurance Tracking

Considering that most commercial leases require tenants to have their own liability insurance policy for their business and rental unit, Axxerion helps reduce risk by storing proof of adequate liability insurance from tenants along with their expiration dates. The system notifies tenants to provide the renewals as they come up.

Integrated Property & Lease Accounting

Axxerion’s web-based accounting and financial management module can handle multiple General Ledgers and is fully integrated within our contract, property, and maintenance management solutions. The system serves as a centralized repository for all property-related financial information and offers many financial functions:

Lease Payments & Finances

Manage invoices and payment requests, common area maintenance, property budgets, rent calculations, and chargebacks. Use Axxerion’s built-in accounting system to itemize lease finances and for A/R and A/P automation. Specific financial features include:

  • Accounts receivable and accounts payable with automated invoice aging, reminders and late fees
  • Invoicing including one-time or regular invoicing, print or digital
  • Payment processing including checks, electronic transfers, credit card
  • CAM calculations and charges: track, bill and reconcile shared common area expenses 

General Ledger

In Axxerion, invoices are coded correctly and passed to General Ledgers for posting. You can also have multiple Ledgers to track transactions related to your company’s assets, liabilities, owner’s equity, tenants, revenue, and expenses. Reports such as owner and income statements are readily available or can be issued on a schedule.

Tenant and Vendor Ledgers

Axxerion generates detailed ledgers for tenants and vendors. You can easily review the complete history of charges and payments.

Chart of Accounts & Reports

Utilize a custom chart of accounts to organize your finances. Segregate expenditures, revenue, assets, and liabilities to better understand your financial health. Use a variety of pre-defined reports and dashboards or easily create your own customized versions.

Purchase Orders

Issue purchase orders for services, materials, and inventory with authorization for full or partial invoicing. Generate automatic receipts of goods against the PO to release for payment. 

Budgets, Approvals, and Currencies

Use our flexible budgeting functionality to handle variances, budgeted vs. committed vs. actual, and more. Our highly configurable reports provide invaluable insights that are based on both broad-scale and granular lease-level detail. Easily manage multiple currencies and their conversions.

Property Balance Sheets & Profit/Loss Reports

Axxerion creates a wide array of financial statements, including balance sheets, income statements, and cash flow statements. Generate balance sheets and up-to-date profit and loss reports based on periods, months, quarters, and fiscal years detailing all transactions that occurred in the property or across the entire portfolio such as rents collected, maintenance expenses, management fees, and details of money forwarded to your bank.

Taxes & Cost Centers

Calculate taxes for different localities. Manage local and federal taxes, as well as parcel and real estate taxes. Define cost centers as needed and their related cost center budgets.

Additional Financial Capabilities

  • Integration with QuickBooks, SAP, Oracle, Microsoft AX and other financial systems
  • Expense capitalization
  • Asset Depreciation
  • And more

Maintenance & Facilities Management

Axxerion’s maintenance and facilities management software helps you optimize maintenance operations and keep buildings in top shape. Our offerings include asset management, work order and service requests, preventive maintenance, warranty tracking, inventory management, vendor management, capital project planning, and more:

Work Order Management

Axxerion offers a powerful, automated work order management system that is configurable to the specific needs and structures of your commercial real estate business. Generate and issue work orders for vendors and technicians based on planned maintenance, inspection reports and service requests.

Within our system, you can easily track the status of work orders from start to finish, and benefit from supply chain integration in which the requestor, contractor, and supplier can all access to same work order. Work orders can also be carried out within a contractual framework, with checks in place to ensure that the service meets initial contract agreements. Further, create different work order categories, each with their own unique workflow, and configure access privileges per user group.

Axxerion’s mobile features boosts the entire maintenance management team’s productivity by allowing everyone to access maintenance information and work orders on-the-go.

Asset Management & Preventative Maintenance

Axxerion’s software allows commercial real estate businesses to manage all of their areas and assets on one centralized platform. Proactive maintenance and asset management through these offerings results in reduced asset breakdowns and greater cost savings. Specific asset and preventive maintenance features include the ability to:

  • Store and track information about an asset’s age, warranty, condition, inventory level, value and replacement cost and any additional details
  • Schedule, perform and manage all types of inspections such as regulatory, annual and due diligence
  • Create a preventative maintenance calendar and schedule work orders and inspections accordingly
  • Receive notifications on upcoming inspections and service based on the maintenance calendar
  • Calculate and track asset depreciation

Contractor and Vendor Management

Axxerion supports the entire outsourced service procurement lifecycle from bidding to invoicing. Our vendor management system allows managers to streamline the bidding, contracting, purchase order, work order, and invoicing processes involved with third-party service procurement. You can also store stores contractor information including qualifications, insurance, and service history and easily communicate with vendors via email or SMS. In addition, managers benefit from real-time service tracking and reporting to increase visibility in the vendor relations process.

Construction and Capital Projects

Axxerion’s Capital Project Management module allows for centralized management and control of all project documents, blueprint viewing and management, budget monitoring and accounting, cost and resource management, report generation, and real-time collaboration and communication across commercial real estate management, vendors, and staff. Features include:

Planning & Scheduling: Create a hierarchy of tasks with projected start time, end time, run time and allocated resources. Define dependencies between tasks and assign team members and vendors (with specific billing rates) to different task.

Invoicing and Budgeting: Automatically generate outgoing invoices for multiple projects. Invoice amounts can be based on a combination of factors such as fixed price agreements, percentage completed and time spent. Define budget and review budgeted amount vs. amount already committed vs. actual invoiced amount.

CAD and BIM Integration: Use existing drawings (CAD schematics) of a building, such as AutoCAD drawings, to automatically create spaces and sections, providing facility planners with easy access to essential drawings and building information. Axxerion also stores BIM models and extracts the asset information to import into the system.

Amenity Reservations

Axxerion’s reservations module allows for the reservation of shared assets and areas, complete with check-in and check-out functionality. Tenants can view availability and reserve common areas/amenities like conference rooms via the Axxerion mobile app as well via configurable on-site kiosks and room displays.

Pre and post-meeting cleanup can be automated for ease. Reservation options are integrated with calendar apps like Microsoft Outlook, and confirmations and notifications regarding reservations can be personalized to your preferences.

Key Management

Axxerion’s key management module allows for the management the physical access of persons to spaces, properties and inventory within the property development. One or more locks can be created per object, where various locks may have the same access code (e.g. cylinder numbers). The module can be adapted for each group of users by configuring access privileges for fields and functions. With our key management module, you can:

  • See which individuals have which keys, have access to a certain space, and have supplied the locks.
  • See how many keys you have in stock, to whom they have been issued and if any keys are missing or have been stolen.
  • And more!

Reporting and Data Analytics

With Axxerion’s robust and comprehensive reporting capabilities, users can access the real-time data they need to identify trends, compare and contrast, and make informed decisions about every aspect of their commercial real estate business. Learn more about our reporting features:

Easy Data Imports & Exports

Existing data about property, lease and maintenance operations are easily imported into the Axxerion system from a CSV or Excel file. Data imports can also be conducted through mobile devices. Data reports can be exported to PDF to be saved and printed. In addition, they can be opened in Excel for further analysis, created with an easily fixable frequency, and emailed to one or more persons in HTML, CSV or PDF format.

Templates and Customized Reports

Axxerion’s powerful and highly configurable reporting capabilities enable managers to easily create meaningful reports out of the wealth of data collected by our system. Reports can be newly created or based off of hundreds of pre-loaded report types. Easily customize reports by creating filters, adjusting columns, selecting different fields, sorting by different titles, adding links, and more.

Role-Based Reporting

Create reports based on different roles, operations, and properties. Examples of the different types of role-based reporting features Axxerion offers include:

Lease Reports: General summaries, expirations, rent schedules, occupancy costs, rent obligation, space utilization, vacancies, options, notations & more

Properties Reports: Track income/expenses, CAM reporting, lease expirations, key vendors, equipment, maintenance, TIs, leasing pipeline, notations & more

Project Reports: Tasks, sub-tasks, status, estimates, hours/time, notes, responsibilities and pipelines

FF&E Reports: Type, model, serial/VIN, location, primary users, warranties, maintenance, valuation, insurance, usage, repairs, work orders, appraisals & more

KPI Tracking

Create recurring reports on important Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) within your different operational branches. Track average response time, average processing time, past due work orders, material usage, and other metrics for maintenance KPIs. For CRE KPIs, track metrics such as revenue per square foot, utilization rate, occupancy cost, Cap Rate, LTV, monthly return on investment and more. KPI reports are easily customizable, you can quickly compare performance across different properties and regions.

Dashboards & Data Visualization

Axxerion’s dashboard tool turns data into salient charts, meters, graphs and other widgets. These widgets can be adapted entirely to suit any object such as a property, a project or machine. When a dashboard is selected, information is presented and updated in real time.


Axxerion’s commercial residential property management software leads to greater cost savings, increased productivity, and higher property values. Our cloud-based software can help your association automate and streamline all your commercial real estate business processes into one, easy-to-use mobile platform.

Contact us today – let us help you get the best returns from your commercial properties.

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