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How Does a CMMS Use Predictive Maintenance

How Does a CMMS Use Predictive Maintenance?

By Maintenance Management

Unlike in past decades when maintenance was somewhat hit-and-miss, the wide availability of advanced solutions today means that equipment owners can progress from reactive to more proactive maintenance programs backed by real-time analytics. You may have heard the terms “Predictive Maintenance,” or “PdM” and even “CMMS” thrown around in maintenance or engineering circles and you’re wondering if these technologies can take your maintenance systems to the next level. Well, in this post, we hope to introduce you to the essentials of these technologies, show you how they work together, and then discuss some of the great benefits that these tools…

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How Accurate Is CMMS Software

How Accurate Is CMMS Software?

By Maintenance Management

Remember that age-old saying in reference to computing; garbage in garbage out? That saying applies to every software solution out there whether it’s your everyday desktop solutions like the Windows Office Suite, Enterprise software, HR software, etc. And of course, that saying applies to any of the different kinds of maintenance software as well. In essence, what you’ll get is only as good as what you input! But, to understand the accuracy of computerized maintenance management systems (CMMS), let’s start from the basics; what is CMMS designed for and does it actually perform its duties? CMMS Software: The Ideal Tool…

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Preventative vs Predictive Maintenance

Preventative vs Predictive Maintenance: What’s the Difference?

By Maintenance Management

When considering a maintenance strategy, the more common ones you are most likely to come across will include the proactive maintenance strategies: Preventative and Predictive maintenance. However, though they are both classified as proactive, there are some key differences between them that could help you decide which one would be best for your organization. We’ll discuss those briefly below. But before that, let’s look at the basics of both strategies. The Basics of Preventative Maintenance Preventative maintenance (PM), also known as preventive/planned/scheduled maintenance, is a program where even though all your assets are functioning normally, your technicians still perform some…

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CMMS and MES: What You Need To Know

By Maintenance Management

With increasing competition and the need for more judicious use of the available natural resources and raw materials, manufacturers will continue to seek ways to improve their processes and production output. Part of achieving those goals depends on them ensuring that they can limit their exposure to inefficiencies along the production line especially with regards to equipment-related issues. There are several solutions on the market to help producers meet their manufacturing targets, but avoiding costly downtime will always involve some cooperation between production and maintenance to avoid costly downtime. Below is a look at two of those solutions – Manufacturing…

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CMMS and MMS: What You Need To Know

By Maintenance Management

Manufacturing in the U.S. and globally continues to evolve in order to remain relevant given the rapid changes that are happening on many levels. In particular, manufacturers are leveraging trends in technology to understand and serve their customers better. Part of that improved service depends on the ability of manufacturers today to recognize and deploy different kinds of robust manufacturing management software to improve critical processes like safety, quality control, productivity, and maintenance. Of major interest are two tech solutions that play important roles during the production cycle: Manufacturing Management System (MMS) and Computerized Maintenance Management Systems (CMMS). Below, we’ll…

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CMMS and IoT

CMMS and IoT: What You Need To Know

By Maintenance Management

Back in the early days of the Internet of Things (IoT), probably nobody knew that getting objects to communicate through the internet would grow to the point to which it has today. Connected devices have become so ubiquitous that we can hardly imagine living without them anymore. But, although consumer IoT usage still accounts for the majority of IoT devices out there, the industrial sector is quickly catching up as well leading to the emergence of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). IoT, in whatever form, is radically transforming the way organizations do business in every business and operational process…

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CMMS and GIS: What You Need To Know

By Maintenance Management

If you have ever used the Global Positioning System (GPS) on your smartphone, then you already have an idea of what a Geographic Information Systems (GIS) is at a basic level. GIS is part of a larger technology that helps its users to determine their location. And it goes well beyond that. Today, GIS technology is a central part of daily living and activities in the world around us. What can GIS do for you? Virtually every industry uses GIS today. From professionals in the construction industry to government bodies, then logistics and food delivery businesses, it has become a…

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CMMS For Data Centers

CMMS For Data Centers: What You Need To Know

By Maintenance Management

The typical data center today is much different from what you would have found at a standard data center one or two decades ago. Back then, you could expect to see large rooms full of computers. Today, data centers have become more modular with a focus on providing a central space where networks can exchange critical information. But whatever the changes may be, there are still some basic concerns for data center owners. For one thing, although the size of the operations makes some difference, data centers are generally “energy-hungry” as they consume considerable amounts of power to operate. Secondly,…

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CMMS For Pharmaceuticals

CMMS For Pharmaceuticals: What You Need To Know

By Maintenance Management

For most manufacturing businesses, a considerable chunk of their annual budget is allocated for equipment upkeep alone. This is because adequate, well-planned maintenance is fundamental for keeping the plant floor safe and functional. This is especially the case in industries with products that directly affect the health of the public. In such organizations, the fallout from machine failure problems can attract stiff penalties and fines as well. The pharmaceutical industry is a sector that falls into this classification. The Peculiarities of Asset Maintenance for Pharmaceuticals Ordinarily, the finished products from pharmaceutical companies are intended to relieve or heal sicknesses. But,…

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CMMS And BIM: What You Need To Know

By Maintenance Management

As the digitization of buildings continues to evolve, we see that more solutions are coming on board while new collaborations are happening between many of the older systems. For instance, take the relationship forged between two major software in this sector – Building Information Modeling (BIM) and Computerized Maintenance Management Systems (CMMS). Each of these systems plays distinct roles at different stages of building lifecycle management. Below are the basics of what you need to know about both of them and what they can do for your facility. Building Information Modeling (BIM) BIM is a 3D digital system that integrates…

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