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Streamlining Vendor Bid Processes with Advanced Bid Package Features for CMMS and Projects

By July 31, 2024No Comments

Managing vendors bid processes can be a daunting task, but with the right tools, it becomes a seamless and efficient experience. Spacewell/Axxerion’s advanced bid package features are designed to optimize and simplify the way you handle vendor relationships and project bids, ensuring that you get the best value and quality for your projects and CMMS activities. Here’s a breakdown of the key features that make this possible.

Organize and Search Vendors Efficiently

With the ability to organize and search vendors by trades and markets, finding the right vendor for your specific needs has never been easier. This feature allows you to quickly locate vendors based on their expertise and the market they serve, ensuring a more tailored and effective selection process.

Customized Vendor RFP Email Automation

Our platform enables you to automate the Request for Proposal (RFP) process with customized emails. Each RFP can include attachment files, detailed scope of work, submission deadlines, and work completion deadlines. Additionally, you can link the RFP to specific properties and sub-areas or assets of the property, providing vendors with precise information and requirements.

Track Vendor Engagement

Stay informed about vendor interest and engagement with your RFPs and bids through detailed tracking. Monitor the status of your bids, including whether they have been sent, opened, passed, acknowledged, or bid upon. This tracking capability helps you gauge vendor interest and responsiveness, facilitating better decision-making.

Collect and Organize Vendor Estimates

Managing vendor estimates is streamlined with our platform, which allows you to collect, organize, and keep all vendor estimates separate. You can add estimates yourself or send RFPs to vendors for them to add their estimates. Our system supports mixed submission methods, where some vendors upload their own estimates while others have their estimates added by staff. Notifications are sent when vendors submit an estimate, ensuring you are always up to date.

Flexible Document Attachments

Our platform supports unlimited document attachments to estimates, providing comprehensive documentation and clarity. Documents can be of any kind including drawings, spreadsheets and so on.  You can easily view them online or download them for use in other environments. This flexibility ensures that all necessary information is included and accessible.

Customizable Bid Requirements and Approval Processes and Workflows

To ensure compliance and thoroughness, you can easily customize the required number of bids based on cost tiers of the job. The system supports the following tiers:

– Less than $1,000 – 1 bid required

– More than $1,000 – 2 bids required

– More than $5,000 – 3 bids required

– More than $10,000 – 4 bids required

The approval process is also fully customizable, matching approvers to the cost of the project. Approvers are organized into tiers:

– Tier 1 Approver Group – approves over $1,000

– Tier 2 Approver Group – approves over $5,000

– Tier 3 Approver Group – approves over $10,000

– Tier 4 Approver Group – approves over $50,000

Versatile Approval Scenarios and workflows

The selected estimate can be approved by everyone in line or just by the final approver group. You can easily define different approval scenarios and workflows. The example below illustrates this flexibility:

– Scenario 1: Approval by tier 1 approver, then tier 2, then tier 3.

– Scenario 2: Approval by tier 3 approver only.

– Scenario 3: Approval by tier 3 approver, then tier 2, then tier 1.

– Scenario 4: Custom approval types, such as approvers chosen by trade (e.g., John approves HVAC, Maria approves construction, Sam approves Solar, Kim approves plumbing and electrical).

These features ensure that your bid package process is not only efficient but also tailored to your specific organizational needs. By streamlining vendor management and the bid process, you can focus on what matters most: delivering high-quality projects on time and within budget.